Hepu and the Opening of the Han Dynasty's Maritime Silk Road
Historical Evidence: The Book of Han
The archaeological
sites related to the Hepu port, are now found in Hepu district, which is
located in present-day Beihai city in southeastern Guangxi. Here archaeologists
have discovered the remains of urban settlements and many, many tombs dated to
the Han dynasty. For now, over 1200 tombs have been excavated, but it is
estimated that there are more than 10.000 tombs still waiting to be discovered.
As mentioned before, Lingnan, the region in which Hepu is located, roughly
corresponds to present-day Guangxi and Guangdong province. This region was
attractive for its natural sources, fertile lands and trade routes leading into
Southeast Asia. In 110 BC Emperor Wu, the sixth Emperor of the Han Dynasty,
send a fleet of 100,000 soldiers to Lingnan and one year later the region was
incorporated in the Han Empire. After this, Emperor Wu send a large number of
officials and soldiers to rule this new territory and divided Lingnan into nine
different prefectures or ‘commanderies’. One of these was the Hepu commandery,
which had its headquarter in present-day Hepu district. Located at the
crossroads of inland river systems and having access to the routes of the South
China Sea, Hepu seemed the ideal location for acquiring rare exotic goods.
Beads of the Maritime Silk Road
years ago, a flourishing bead trade existed and beads were important trade
commodities exchanged on maritime routes between India and Southeast Asia.
Visually attractive and easy to transport they might have been some of the
first objects that were exchanged between India and Southeast Asia. Some of the
beads found at Hepu were made of precious stones, such as garnet, crystal and
etched carnelian, whose sources can be traced back to India and Sri Lanka.
Other beads have very distinctive shapes that can also give us some hints about
their origin. An interesting category is that of small animal-shaped beads, such
as lions, tigers, and birds. These are thought to be of Indian origin and might
be related to early Buddhist beliefs. Nowadays when we think of Buddha, the
laughing Buddha statue often seen in Chinese stores or the serene Buddha
sculptures of early Buddhist cultures might come to mind. But before the first
century AD, human representations of Buddha were rare, and he was often shown
by one of his symbols, such as the footprint, lotus, bull, or elephant. Another
common representation was of Buddha as a lion, a reference to him as
Shakysimha, or Lion of the Shakya Clan (Elisseeff 2000, 107). Carnelian beads
carved in the form of a leaping lions have also been found in Buddhist
reliquaries of the Ghandhara civilization, now in present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The discovery of lion-shaped beads in coastal regions of Thailand, Vietnam, and
Southern China, shows how not only objects, but also religious ideas had
started to spread over maritime routes. Finally, glass beads are a rich source
of information. Glass workshops, depending on their location and production
methods, used different raw materials to make beads. Therefore, when we look at
the chemical composition of some beads, its source area can sometimes be
reconstructed. For instance, one type of dark blue beads, belonged to the
category of soda-lime glass (Na2O-CaO-SiO2), and might have come from as far as
the Mediterranean (Xiong 2015). Other types of glass were imported from regions
in Southeast Asia and India. These beads represent different cultural and
technical traditions and indicate the existence of maritime trade networks that
reached coastal Southern China as early as the last two centuries BCE.
Some Final Thoughts
many Chinese scholars believe that China’s first turn to the sea was during the
Han Dynasty and took place in Southern China. To explore this theory, we have
to travel to the most southern coastal regions of China bordering the South
China Sea. This area, historically called Lingnan, roughly corresponds to the
present-day provinces of Guangxi and Guangdong. When looking at a map of China,
these two provinces are at the most southern point of China. According to
Chinese historians this region is the cradle of the maritime silk road in China
and there are two reasons why they think so: first, in Lingnan they have
discovered the remains of two Han-period ports that are mentioned in an early
historical text; and secondly also in this region they have found a large
number of so-called ‘oversea goods’ in Han-dynasty tombs.
Historical Evidence: The Book of Han
first have a look at this historical text, which is the Hanshu or The Book of
Han. This work is the official historical chronicle of the Western Han (which
was from 206 BC until 9 AD). It contains biographies and records of important
events. One single paragraph mentions the oversea journey of an imperial trade
envoy. This envoy set off from the Tonkin Gulf near Southern China and Northern
Vietnam, and visited a number of foreign kingdoms along the coasts of Southeast
Asia, and eventually reached South Asia. This was not an easy journey as the ‘Book
of Han’ lists some of the perils the crew had to withstand: “Sometimes
barbarians rob or kill them to gain trade profit. They also suffer hardships
caused by wind and waves, and many died from drowning”. However, when they
survived the journey, many treasures could be obtained, and they exchanged gold
and silk for “bright beads, bi liuli, and precious curiosities”. Bright beads are
thought to be pearls, while precious curiosities might have referred to the
diverse category of precious stones and gold ornaments. When it comes to the
meaning of “bi liuli” scholars disagree. Some believe it was emerald from India
or lapis lazuli from Afghanistan. However, one group of scholars suggests that
‘bi liuli’ was a word used in the Han dynasty to refer to glass. One Chinese
scholar, Ji Xianlin (2008), even believes that the term comes from the Sanskrit
word for glass. Considering, the large quantities of glass found in the Hepu
Tombs this could very well make sense.
how is this text linked to archaeological discoveries? Besides the names of
foreign kingdoms in Southeast Asia and India, which have actually been very
hard to locate, the Book of Han, mentions three ports which were located in the
South China Sea: Xuwen, Hepu and Rinan. Two of these ports are important for
our story about the opening of the Han Dynasty’s maritime silk road, because
they can be traced back to present-day locations in coastal Guangdong and
Guangxi. In fact, after 2000 years, Xuwen and Hepu are still names for coastal
counties in Southern China. And more importantly, in these counties remains of
Han-period tombs and settlements have been discovered.
The Hepu Tombs
The Hepu Tombs
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"Persian" Pot (Hepu Museum) |
Hepu tombs are like a treasure trove and contain a fascinating array of objects.
Besides beautiful ceramic and bronze vessels, some tombs contain a large number
of jewelries made from gold, amber, crystal and glass (Xiong 2015). These were
not made by local people and are very different from regional artifacts found
in Han-period Lingnan. They most likely belonged to a category of “oversea
goods” which were imported over the maritime silk road. Two artifacts, in
particular, have perplexed archaeologists. First, an elegant ceramic pot with
‘turquoise glaze’ that is similar in shape and glaze to Persian pottery and
second a unique bronze cymbal, which is a kind of instrument, decorated with
toads, persimmons, dragons and feathered people. Today, archaeologists believe
that both of these objects might have originated from central Asia and resemble
products of the Parthian empire (Xiong 2015).
Beads of the Maritime Silk Road
let’s have a closer look at the many beads that have been found at Hepu. For
instance, in one tomb, called Fengmenling, over 1500 beads have been found,
among which there were several necklaces made of gold, agate, crystal, jade,
carnelian, and glass beads (Zhang 1995). The same way as today diamond rings
and precious gemstones clearly show off a person’s high position in society,
these beads were worn as a status symbol. You can imagine how stunning somebody
would look covered in several necklaces made of these colorful, shiny
materials. Archaeologists belief that the tombs that contained a large number
of rare beads and other luxury items belonged to members of an elite class. They
probably belonged to a wealthy group of people, such as merchants and Han
government officials stationed in Hepu. Most of the raw materials of these
beads could not be found locally and must have come from overseas. So, where
did these beads come from and how did they reach coastal China?
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Strings of Beads (Hepu Museum) |
Some Final Thoughts
final remark about the maritime bead trade should be made, because how
fascinating the circulation of these beads may be, their trade did not
originate in Han-period China or in the coastal waters of Southeast Asia. On
the contrary, their roots are quite complicated and can be traced back to
western Asia. Peter Francis Jr. (2002, 8) has said: “Asian maritime bead trade
was opened before 2000 BC with the Harappans bringing lapis lazuli and
carnelian to Mesopotamia and the Sea Arabs trading between them”. But this
might be a story for another time. Furthermore, we should be cautious in assigning
a too prominent role to traders from the Han Empire. As far as we know today,
artifacts that originated from regions under control of the Han Empire, have
only been found within the coastal regions of the South China Sea, and none
have been recovered in regions further west, such as at the coasts of the Bay
of Bengal or India. A scenario in which beads produced in the Mediterranean or
Northern India reached China through indirect channels and possibly through
Indian middlemen seems more likely.
and Further Reading
- Ban Gu. 1962. Hanshu [Book of Han]. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju.
- Elisseef Vadime. 2000. The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce. Berghahn Books.
- Francis Peter Jr. 2002. Asia’s Maritime Bead Trade: 300 BC to the Present. University of Hawaii Press.
- Ji Xianlin. 2008. Zhongyin wenhua jiaoliu shi [History of Sino-Indian Cultural Exchange] Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House.
- Xiong Zhaoming. 2015. Archaeological Discovery: The Hepu Port on the Maritime Silk Road of the Han Dynasty. Beijing: Cultural Relics Press.
- Zhang Juying. 1995. Guangxi Hepu xian Fengmenling 10 hao Hanmu fajue jianbao [Short Excavation Report of the Fengmenling Han-period Tomb 10 in Hepu District]. Kaogu 3.
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